5 Reasons Why You 'Burnout' During WFH

WFH (work from home) at first maybe is a good sign for workers who spend half of their time working in the office. However, the greater pressure and other factors during WFH lead to the 'burnout’ phenomenon. Which can cause prolonged stress to depression for every worker

WFH (work from home) may at first be a breath of fresh air for workers who spend half of their time working in the office. However, the greater pressure and other factors during WFH lead to the 'burnout’ phenomenon. Which can cause prolonged stress to depression in the victim. 

Quoted from www.covid19.go.id, with the increase, incases Covid 19 to 27.5% per week in Indonesia, The President of the Republic of Indonesia—Joko Widodo, through a Press Conference in Bogor on March 15, 2020, appealed to all people to work, school and worship from home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. 

Carrying out activities/office work from home, or what can be referred to as WFH (work from home) is expected to provide flexibility in completing the work given by the company in the personal sphere. At first, maybe you will feel that this is a fun thing because we are given freedom. However, what if WFH becomes a ‘boomerang’?

The latest survey conducted by Blind, a (community workplace application) found 68% of 3000 respondents who are workers from 40 large companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Apple, LinkedIn, Google, etc, claimed to have experienced greater mental fatigue when they work from home versus working from the office. Which triggered the 'burnout' phenomenon in the community. 

What is ‘burnout’?

Quoted from the official WHO website,

Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as a chronic work stress condition characterized by physical and emotional fatigue.

Examples of the symptoms of this syndrome are that we experience insomnia, headaches, loneliness, extreme boredom, fatigue, loss of work motivation, procrastination, and so on.

Coupled with excessive worry during this pandemic, this is of course a challenge in itself to maintain your professionalism and performance for the company. So, what causes us to feel burnout?

  1. You Work Tirelessly

    When starting WFH, the "settings" in your body still can't tell the difference between 'working hours' and 'resting hours'. This makes it difficult for you to create boundaries for yourself, so you work around the clock.

    In fact, working from home doesn't mean you don't have a clear separation between work life and home life, you know it!

    This can affect your health, for example; You don't eat regularly because you don't have time to cook, or are too tired to cook and end up eating unhealthy foods.

  2. More Opportunity to Delay

    One of the advantages of this WFH is that it has flexibility and less supervision than working in an office. But indirectly this 'luxury' makes you procrastinate more often than before. You unconsciously do other things that are not a priority.

    As a result, energy and time that could be used to complete your actual work are spent on other things, and when you want to finish work, you are running out of time and are already exhausted. In the end, you will get overwhelmed in completing the tasks with the 'deadline' that is already tight.

  3. You Feel Like You Don't Have Anyone when You Feel Tired

    When you work in an office and a problem occurs, you have a lot of people around you, people you can turn to for help. But when you are alone, limited by the walls of your workspace, you may feel completely alone in solving problems, and not getting immediate support can lead you to feel exhausted and stressed.

  4. You Don't Make a Work Plan

    Have you ever felt confused about what you want to do today? Or have you given one little task that you have to do as soon as possible but it turns out to be forgotten? This is the time you have to make a work plan. The work plan that you made for the previous few minutes tends to help you focus on choosing and planning which work you will prioritize first. Without a work plan, you will easily get distracted and forget about the main work you should be doing.

  5. You Don't Have Stress Relief

    If previously you had a stress relief schedule or refreshing on the weekends in the form of outdoor activities such as picnicking in the garden, swimming at the beach, camping in the forest, etc. But in a state of lockdown during this pandemic, what are you doing?

Still, Going Outside for Stress Relief? Better Not for Now!

Hmmm, it looks like you have to think twice about going to tourist attractions during a pandemic like this because of course, the risk of transmitting this virus is greater if we are in a mass crowd. For example, a crowd of tourists at a refreshing place.

No Stress Relief? Better Get One Now!

Do positive activities that you like to help calm your mind and give you new freshness before you start working again the next day. Having something you can do as a hobby can increase serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin which are the happiness hormones. An example is to have an aquarium. Apart from reducing the effects of burnout, let's find out the other benefits of owning an aquarium!

  1. Lowering Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
    Generally, when you feel burnout, the adrenaline in the body will accelerate faster. Blood pressure and heart rate also increase. The body feels restless and of course, you have trouble concentrating. Therefore, having an aquarium in the house is the right thing for those of you who have high blood pressure or other heart problems. According to one study, seeing an empty aquarium reduced heart rate by 3% while an aquarium with fish resulted in a 7% decrease which is very good for future physical health.

2. Improve Sleep Quality
Believe it or not, looking at aquarium before bed can improve sleep quality by calming or relaxing your body and mind to fall asleep so that the next day you will get a body that is fitter than usual. This certainly reduces wasted time just to calm down either your anxiety or trouble sleeping.

3. Reducing Pain and Anxiety
Having an aquarium in a room has been shown to reduce anxiety and pain in patients undergoing health care procedures. One of them is dental care. This is why in a scene in the animated film 'Finding Nemo', a seawater aquarium was found in the dental clinic's practice room in order to reduce patient pain during dental procedures and after treatment.

4.Increase Focus and Creativity

How come?

Increased focus and creativity when looking at the aquarium in a few minutes can happen because the visual stimulation of an active fish aquarium has a therapeutic effect which later gives your mind a break-off to think about something else to focus on for a few minutes when you want to solve a problem.

5. Provides a Calming Effect for Children and Alzheimer's Patients
As well as being able to increase focus and creativity, fish aquariums can have a very calming effect on the psychological condition of their owners. For example in children with hyperactive disorders and Alzheimer's patients. Research conducted at Purdue University suggests that aquarium fish can improve mood, alertness, and appetite in Alzheimer's patients while reducing aggressive behavior. And in hyperactive children themselves, the aquarium provides a sense of comfort and a calming effect so they can improve concentration and sleep quality which of course improves their performance at school.

So there is nothing impossible to reduce the effect of burnout during WFH only from home. Starting with something new like an aquatic hobby can be a suitable stress relief reference for you. The aquarium with the ecosystem in it also looks beautiful in the corner of the room and forms a ‘lively look’ in your house. Just sit back and relax on the sofa, then enjoy nature from home!

So, what are you waiting for!

Let's bring the nature home ~


5 Alasan Mengapa Kamu ‘Burnout’ Selama WFH

Work from home (WFH) mungkin pada awalnya menjadi angin segar bagi para pekerja yang menghabiskan separuh waktunya bekerja di kantor. Namun tekanan yang lebih besar dan faktor faktor lainnya selama WFH menyebabkan munculnya fenomena ‘burnout. Dimana dapat menyebabkan stress berkepanjangan hingga depresi pada korbannya.

Dikutip dari www.covid19.go.id, dengan meningkatnya kasus Covid 19 hingga 27.5% per minggu di Indonesia, Presiden Republik Indonesia—Joko Widodo, melalui konferensi pers di Bogor pada tanggal 15 Maret 2020 yang lalu, menghimbau kepada seluruh masyarakat untuk bekerja, sekolah dan beribadah dari rumah demi mencegah semakin meluasnya penyebaran virus corona.

Melaksanakan kegiatan/pekerjaan kantor dari rumah, atau yang bisa disebut juga dengan istilah Work from Home (WFH) ini diharapkan mampu memberikan fleksibilitas dan keleluasaan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan dalam ruang lingkup pribadi, yakni rumah masing masing. Pada awalnya, mungkin kamu akan merasa bahwa hal ini merupakan hal yang menyenangkan karena kita diberi kebebasan. Namun, bagaimana jika WFH menjadi boomerang untuk diri kamu sendiri?

Survei terbaru yang dilakukan Blind, (sebuah aplikasi komunitas workplace) mendapatkan hasil bahwa 68 persen dari 3 ribu responden yang merupakan pekerja dari 40 perusahaan besar seperti Amazon, Microsoft, T-Mobile, Apple, LinkedIn, Google, dsb, mengaku mengalami kelelahan mental lebih besar selama work from home (WFH) dibandingkan bekerja dari kantor. Yang dimana memicu fenomena ‘burnout’ di masyarakat.

Apa itu ‘burnout’?

Dikutip dari laman resmi WHO, Burnout adalah sindrom yang dikonseptualisasikan sebagai kondisi stres kerja kronis yang ditandai dengan lelah secara fisik dan emosional.

Contoh dari gejala sindrom ini yakni kita mengalami susah tidur, sakit kepala, merasa sendirian, jenuh luar biasa, lemas, kehilangan motivasi kerja, menunda pekerjaan, dsb. 

Ditambah dengan rasa khawatir yang berlebih pada masa pandemi ini, hal ini tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri untuk tetap menjaga profesionalisme dan kinerja kita untuk perusahaan. Jadi, apa sih penyebab kita merasa burnout

  1. Kamu Bekerja Tak Kenal Waktu

    Saat memulai WFH, ‘settingan’ pada ragamu masih belum dapat membedakan antara ‘jam bekerja’ dan ‘jam beristirahat’. Ini menyebabkan kamu mungkin kesulitan untuk membuat batasan untuk dirimu sendiri, sehingga kamu bekerja sepanjang waktu. Padahal, bekerja dari rumah bukan berarti kamu tidak memiliki pemisah yang jelas antara kehidupan bekerja dan kehidupan rumah lho

    Hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kesehatanmu, contohnya; kamu tidak makan dengan teratur karena tidak memiliki waktu untuk memasak, atau terlalu lelah untuk memasak hingga akhirnya memakan makanan yang tidak sehat. Bila sudah demikian kamu tidak memiliki waktu untuk fokus pada self-care.

  2. Peluang untuk Menunda Lebih Banyak

    Salah satu keuntungan dari WFH ini yakni adanya fleksibilitas dan pengawasan yang lebih rendah dibanding bekerja pada kantor. Namun secara tidak langsung ‘kemewahan’ ini menjadikan kamu lebih sering menunda-nunda dibandingkan sebelumnya. Secara tidak sadar kamu malah melakukan prokrastinasi, atau melakukan hal lain yang bukan menjadi prioritas. Akibatnya energi dan waktu yang semestinya bisa digunakan menyelesaikan tanggung jawab terkuras untuk hal lain, dan ketika kamu ingin menyelesaikan pekerjaan, kamu sudah kehabisan waktu dan sudah kelelahan. Pada akhirnya kamu akan pusing sendiri menyelesaikan tugas dengan ‘deadline’ yang sudah mepet.

  3. Kamu Merasa Tidak Memiliki Siapapun Ketika Kamu Merasa Lelah

    Terkadang, bekerja sama dalam team dapat menjadi sebuah keuntungan maupun kemalangan. Sadarkah kamu, saat kamu bekerja di kantor dan terjadi sebuah masalah, kamu memiliki banyak orang yang mengelilingimu, orang-orang yang bisa kamu mintai pertolongan. Namun ketika kamu sendirian, dibatasi oleh dinding-dinding ruang kerjamu, kamu mungkin merasa benar-benar sendirian dalam memecahkan masalah, dan tidak mendapat support secara langsung yang membuatmu merasa kelelahan dan stres sendiri. 

  4. Kamu Tidak Membuat Rencana Kerja

    Pernahkan kamu merasa bingung dengan apa yang ingin kamu lakukan pada hari ini? Atau kamu melupakan satu hal kecil yang harus kamu kerjakan secepatnya namun ternyata terlupakan? Ini saatnya kamu harus membuat rencana kerja. Rencana kerja yang kamu buat selama beberapa menit sebelumnya cenderung membantu kamu untuk fokus memilih dan merencanakan pekerjaan mana yang akan kamu prioritaskan dahulu. Tanpa rencana kerja, kamu akan mudah terdistraksi dan melupakan pekerjaan pokok yang seharusnya kamu lakukan. 

  5. Kamu Tidak Mempunyai Stress Relief

Jika sebelumnya kamu memiliki jadwal stress relief ataupun refreshing di akhir pekan berupa kegiatan outdoor seperti berpiknik di kebun, berenang di pantai, berkemah di hutan, dsb. Namun dalam keadaan lockdown pada masa pandemi ini, apa yang kamu lakukan?

Tetap pergi keluar rumah untuk stress relief? Lebih baik tidak untuk saat ini!

Hmm sepertinya kamu harus berpikir dua kali untuk pergi ke tempat wisata dalam masa pandemi seperti ini karena tentunya resiko penularan virus ini lebih besar apabila kita berada pada kerumunan massal. Contohnya, kerumunan wisatawan pada tempat refreshing.

Tidak ada stress relief?

Lakukanlah kegiatan positif yang kalian sukai untuk membantu menenangkan pikiran dan memberikan kesegaran baru sebelum kamu mulai bekerja lagi di hari berikutnya.

Memiliki sesuatu yang dapat kalian jadikan hobi dapat meningkatkan serotonin, dopamin, dan oksitosin yang merupakan hormon kebahagiaan.

Contohnya adalah dengan memiliki sebuah AQUARIUM!.

Yuk ketahui manfaat lainnya dari memiliki Akuarium!

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  1. Menurunkan Tekanan Darah dan Jantung
    Umumnya, saat kamu merasa burnout, adrenalin pada tubuh akan terpacu lebih cepat. Tekanan darah dan detak jantung pun meningkat. Badan merasa gelisah dan tentunya kamu kesulitan untuk berkonsentrasi. Maka dari itu, memiliki sebuah akuarium di dalam rumah merupakan hal yang tepat untuk kalian yang memiliki masalah tekanan darah tinggi ataupun masalah kesehatan jantung lainnya. Menurut sebuah penelitian, melihat akuarium kosong mengurangi detak jantung sebesar 3% sementara akuarium dengan ikan menghasilkan penurunan 7% dimana hal ini sangat baik untuk kesehatan jasmani kedepannya.

2. Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur
Percaya atau tidak, mengamati akuarium sebelum tidur mampu memperbaiki kualitas tidur dengan cara menenangkan atau merelaksasi tubuh dan pikiran kamu untuk tertidur sehingga keesokan harinya kamu akan mendapatkan hasil tubuh yang lebih bugar dari biasanya. Hal ini tentunya mengurangi waktu yang terbuang sia-sia hanya untuk menenangkan diri yang gelisah dan sulit tidur. 

3. Mengurangi Rasa Sakit dan Kecemasan

Kehadiran akuarium pada suatu ruangan telah terbukti dapat mengurangi kecemasan dan nyeri pada pasien yang sedang menjalani prosedur perawatan kesehatan. Salah satunya yakni perawatan gigi. Inilah mengapa pada suatu adegan di dalam film animasi ‘Finding Nemo’, ditemukan aquarium air laut pada ruang praktek  pasien klinik gigi tersebut guna untuk mengurangi rasa sakit pasien selama prosedur perawatan gigi dan sesudah perawatannya.


4.Meningkatkan Fokus dan Kreativitas

Bagaimana bisa?Peningkatan fokus dan kreativitas saat memandang akuarium dalam beberapa menit bisa terjadi karena stimulasi visual dari akuarium ikan yang aktif memiliki efek terapeutik dimana nantinya memberikan pikiran kamu jeda dalam memikirkan sesuatu hal yang lain untuk difokuskan selama beberapa menit saat kamu ingin mengatasi suatu masalah

5. Memberikan Efek Menenangkan untuk Anak Anak dan Pasien Alzheimer
Selain dapat meningkatkan fokus dan kreativitas, akuarium ikan dapat memberikan efek yang sangat menenangkan untuk kondisi psikologis pemiliknya. Contohnya pada anak-anak dengan gangguan hiperaktif serta pasien alzheimer. Penelitian yang dilakukan di Universitas Purdue menyatakan bahwa akuarium berisi ikan dapat meningkatkan suasana hati, kewaspadaan, dan nafsu makan pada pasien Alzheimer sekaligus mengurangi perilaku agresif. Dan pada anak-anak hiperaktif sendiri akuarium memberikan rasa nyaman dan efek menenangkan sehingga dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi dan kualitas tidur yang tentunya meningkatkan performa mereka di sekolah.

Nah jadi tidak ada yang mustahil ya untuk mengurangi efek burnout selama WFH hanya dari rumah saja. Memulai dengan hal yang baru seperti hobi akuatik ini bisa menjadi salah satu referensi stress relief yang cocok untuk kamu. Akuarium dengan ekosistem di dalamnya juga terlihat cantik untuk sudut ruangan dan menambah kesan ‘hidup’ di dalam rumah lho. Hanya dengan duduk santai di sofa, yuk kita nikmati alam dari rumah saja!

So, tunggu apa lagi!

Let’s bring the nature home~



Most of our clients actually didn't really ask the very detail of the salt water aquarium system we made for them. Why? well.. if i have to explain to you from A-Z, we'll be needing to go back to our A-level Chemistry and Biology notebook, because there are LOTS to take in. Salt water aquarium system have many varieties too, depending on the main usage (for aesthetic or for breeding). And this knowledge requires lots and lots of experience. But if in case you're curious, here is the salt water aquarium system made simple for you! 


Your salt water aquarium is basically a mini ecosystem of the ocean compacted into a glass box. And so you need to know that there will be whole bunch of bacteria (good or bad), fishes and corals' excretions and so on. Without a proper filtration system and weekly maintenance, your aquarium will be extremely dirty. The salt water aquarium is generally dirtier and harder to maintain than fresh water, therefore it is a requirement to build another ecosystem 'below' the aquarium that will take all the bacteria and excretions from the main salt water aquarium system itself.

Now, before we move on with the more detailed explanation about the filtration system, we need to go back to the very basic of water chemistry. Once you know it, you'll find it much easier to understand the system of the filtration. There are 3 main components you need to remember: Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates. They are all byproducts of organic waste breaking down in an aquarium and all are toxic at some level to your fishes and plants. At this moment, the wastes are required to be broken down into something else that can be utilized by other organism. The break down can be listed down in four part process:

1. The excretion from fishes, plants and foods breaks down and release ammonia.

2. This ammonia is very toxic to fishes and needs to be converted to nitrite by nitrifying bacteria.

3. Nitrite is also toxic to fish, and needs to be converted to nitrate once again by beneficial nitrifying bacteria.

4. Nitrate is not nearly as toxic, and is used by plants or algae to help them grow.

So the filtration system does not only filters out the dirt out of the aquarium, it actually houses a whole bunch of bacteria required to break down the bad chemical out of the ecosystem, This type of filtration system is called biological filtration.

2. DRY/WET SUMPThe reason why it's called Dry and Wet sump is because the filter media is exposed to air and water at the same time instead of being submerged. This way, the bacteria that is responsible in converting ammonia to nitrates does a bette…


The reason why it's called Dry and Wet sump is because the filter media is exposed to air and water at the same time instead of being submerged. This way, the bacteria that is responsible in converting ammonia to nitrates does a better job. And the better the conversion efficiency, the healthier the tank. Now, to make a good dry/wet sump, you need to set it up like making a sandwich. First we put in course sponge and fine wool to help with straining out particles. Then comes the bioballs, kaldness and coral fragments that act as a home to the aerobic bacteria that converts ammonia into nitrate.

1. THE OVERFLOWThe overflow is the first step where the water inside the display tank goes into the filtration system and it is also used to maintain steady water levels in the display tank. The only way water goes over and into the overflow is if t…


The overflow is the first step where the water inside the display tank goes into the filtration system and it is also used to maintain steady water levels in the display tank. The only way water goes over and into the overflow is if the water level in the main tank exceeds the height of the overflow. The excess water flows over and then proceeds down the drain and into the sump. We used a Durso Standpipe to silence the overflow. Without it, you can hear the water rushing down the bottom of the overflow like Niagara fall or a gargling noise from the chamber every second of your day!

3. THE MANGROVE BIO FILTRATIONMangroves are responsible in nitrates and phosphates level in the water. They absorbs the excess organic materials in your water. Thanks to this, your aquarium wont be experiencing algae bloom and your fish are safe and…


Mangroves are responsible in nitrates and phosphates level in the water. They absorbs the excess organic materials in your water. Thanks to this, your aquarium wont be experiencing algae bloom and your fish are safe and healthy from the excess nitrates. We usually added mangrove to the system when they are in their seed form which looks like a long pods. They are commonly fatter on the bottom and narrower at the top. The seed will the be placed in layers of soft cotton wool to grow overtime. This part of filtration is good as a quarantine for your sick fish, the mangrove will naturally absorb the bad bacteria off your fish.

4. THE SKIMMERThe protein skimmer is used to remove organic compounds from the excess organic waste by using the polarity of the compound itself. As the water with the organic wastes comes in, the air are injected together and passed through a water…


The protein skimmer is used to remove organic compounds from the excess organic waste by using the polarity of the compound itself. As the water with the organic wastes comes in, the air are injected together and passed through a water pump that cuts the air bubble into smaller air bubbles. The smaller bubbles skims the protein more effectively. The water movement hastens diffusion of organic molecules, which effectively brings more organic molecules to the air and collected on the skimmate collection pump.

5. CHILLERNow, here comes the easy part. most of the water in this part is clean and safe to go to the main aquarium already, but we need one last step before returning the healthy water back to its original place. The chiller, like how it is named,…


Now, here comes the easy part. most of the water in this part is clean and safe to go to the main aquarium already, but we need one last step before returning the healthy water back to its original place. The chiller, like how it is named, is to chill down the temperature of the water to about 24 to 25 degree celcius, anymore than that will make the coral bleach and die and destroy the whole ecosystem. After the water is chilled to the optimal temperature, the water is then returned back to the filtration system until it reaches the big pump that will pump the water back to the aquarium.

6. HOME SWEET HOMEThat whole journey is pretty tiring, but at least the water that returns is completely clean and safe for the fishes and plants. One reminder for every salt water aquarium owner is to frequently clean the filtration system (twice a…


That whole journey is pretty tiring, but at least the water that returns is completely clean and safe for the fishes and plants. One reminder for every salt water aquarium owner is to frequently clean the filtration system (twice a week), change the water in the aquarium every month, and don't overfeed the fishes and leave the remains of the food in the aquarium. Other than that, you're all set! Thanks for reading, i hope this helps.

BALI REEF AQUARIUM QUARANTINE release 7 black fin sharks to the ocean


Bali reef aquarium founder, Yoki Sinugroho was interviewed in news media around Bali for having released 7 black fin sharks in Gilimanuk last year, 14 February 2017.

'From the beginning, we have reminded fishermen not to kill the rare fish that exist. We recommend for the sharks to be maintained and then released, ' he said.

Yoki claim that he saw seven sharks were obtained by the fishermen to be sold off to the fish market. As a man with nature conscience, he decided to buy those sharks with higher price for him to conserve and release later on. 

The sharks were 30 cm to 40 cm long when they were first caught. The size has now reached 80 cm and are strong enough to be released back into the ocean. It is hoped that the fishermen will not take and kill the increasingly rare fish and preserve it for the future.


Hi there people, today's topic is very very interesting for me because i think this is quite new. Today we'll be talking about the basic of Styles in Interior Design Industry together with an additional element, YUP, you guess it, AQUARIUM! 

While i was finding topic about the new blog, i came to realize that not a lot of people actually do a proper mix and match of Aquarium with their interior style. Most people tend to get creative with their interior but not on the aquarium. I see a lot of aquariums are alienated by the interior style because: 1) They choose the usual aquarium elements with colors that doesn't match one another, and worse kills off the color vibe of the room, 2) They dont choose the color of the fish properly, like they always add in clown fish, i mean WHY THOUGH? Finding Nemo was 15 years ago, move on!

Aquarium style have LOTS of variant, they also have the minimalist, the jungle style, the dutch style, japanese nature style, iwagumi style, the biotopes style, the paludarium styles, the reef styles, and so on. And honestly as a designer, it is painful to see a lot of interior got wrecked because of the mistake in mix matching with the aquarium.

SO, to help you guys, i decided to create A CHEAT SHEET INTERIOR MOOD BOARD that will include:

1) The color palette of that certain interior style.

2) Images of the interior of that certain interior style.

3) The aquarium that i personally think will match that certain interior style.





To explain Scandinavian style very briefly, this style has a very subtle and gentle sets of color palettes, often with shades of grey, shades of brown and a touch of pastel. Many Scandinavian design uses the Bauhaus Principles which is characterized by lines, geometry, object proportion and populist appeal. 

Moving on, your choice of aquarium style should be either the Japanese Iwagumi style or the minimalist Japanese Nature style which was popularised by the founding father of aquascape, Takashi Amano.

Japanese Iwagumi style is characterized by a series of stones arranged according to the Golden Ratio, or Rule of Thirds. The tanks may imitate a natural landscape, with a common theme of simplicity and open space. There are limited colors in plants & stone, and the number of varying flora and fauna is kept to a minimum to create minimalism. 


Minimalist Japanese Nature Style is characterized with the recreation of various terrestrial landscapes—hills, mountains, valleys, and so on. Usually the nature style has a lot of green plants inside it. The minimalist one though is more of the tree branches from the river banks and stones, and less of the greens.


I personally think that it is important to minimize the color variant of your aquarium to match the atmosphere of a scandinavian style interior and focuses more on the scales and placement of the elements inside your aquarium.




Bohemian style interior captures the adventurous and free spirit of the avant garde lifestyle. Different from Scandinavian style,  It employs the richness of patterns and bold, vibrant hues, as well as layer of textiles (throws,pillows,rugs) to express the laid back ambiance. Immense amount of plants are often added to the Bohemian interior, sometimes even more than the furniture itself! you'll also notice, a lot of Bohemian interiors possess ethnic or nomadic vibes, especially on the Moroccan, South western, or tribal inspired design that are currently trending. 

In my opinion, your choice of aquarium style should be either Paludarium or Jungle style Aquarium. I think this will compliment well with Bohemian Interior because it somehow will add on to the 'purposeful messy' and nature ambiance of the room. 

Paludarium is where there is 50-50 of both the land and water inside the same environment. They are usually made to imitate habitats such as tropical rainforests, jungles, riverbanks, bogs and so on. In paludarium, the tank is partially filled with water. This allows plans such as  Cyperus alternifolius and Spathiphyllum wallisii, as well as various Anubias and some bromeliads, to grow emersed, 



Jungle style aquarium, the name is quite self explanatory yes? This style emphasize to create a natural and nearly chaotic subject. As a result, one of the great appeal of the Jungle aquascape is the freedom of choice when creating the scene. 





Industrial style is inspired from the industrial era back in 1760s til 1840s, which emphasis the broad use of exposed steel with distressed wooden elements and exposed brick walls. Nowadays it is common to include copper-tone accent to give the rustic and mature accent.

Due to its raw and exposed expression of material, sometimes Industrial style is seen as a style that is unfinished, that will need low maintenance in the future. Which is why my pick for aquarium style would be Biotopes style

Biotopes Style aquariums are usually somewhat easier to setup and maintain. It is often designed for biologists to study environments that would be challenging to study by replicating the exact particular aquatic habitat at a particular geographic location, which is why it is not necessary to provide a garden like display.





The minimalist just like how it sounded, is the type of interior that minimize the need to add on and cut out all the unnecessary, paring things down to the very basic. The minimalist trend was born back in the early twentieth century, it was initially influenced by the simplicity of Japanese design, where it goes around the principle of 'less is more'. The use of color in minimalist room is limited to black,white and primary colors. The idea is not to distract the simplified hues of the room.

My choice of aquarium for a minimalist room will have to be a salt water aquarium. Due to the minimalist range of colors, the blue hue from salt water aquarium compliments the monochromatic color of the room. The aquarium adds on the sophisticated, sleek and luxurious feel to the room.

Salt water aquarium style typically focuses on mimicking a reef. An arrangement of live rock forms the main structure of this aquascape, and it is populated by corals and other marine invertebrates as well as coralline algae, which together serve much the same aesthetic role as freshwater plants





mid cen modern.jpg

Just like how it is named, the mid-century modern style was first started mid 1900s, it was when post-war Americans was finding ways to break the traditional design conventions and move its design industry into the modern era. The design style is characterized by refined lines, minimalist silhouette, bits of blues and greens, and plenty of wood and rusty metals. 

The best aquarium style to match the warm color tone of Mid-Century Modern is gotta be Dutch Style Aquarium. The dutch aquarium being the oldest of all aquarium style focuses on the arrangement of plants rather than the hardscape like stones and woods. It is characterized by high density, rich contrast and subtle use of color and texture. Like capturing autumn scenery into a box of glass. 







aquarium x interior (part2)

Fish tanks and aquariums are quite amazing.

If you’re into feng shui, you probably know that placing an aquarium somewhere in your home gives you wealth or luck with money. If you still dont know where to place your aquarium, i've compiled some of the most crucial tips inside the infographic below, enjoy!

How to effectively place your aquarium in.png

Koi Bacteria Infection? Hitchhiker guide to Terramycine

have you experienced the rapid death of your koi fish? seen a big Ulcer on their body? or even seeing the bloated fish that makes you want to scream?! this cruel diseases sometimes are caused by the bacterial infection, and you might not be required to pull your hairs out to treat it well.


Introduction to Terramycin

Terramycin, or by the common scientific name for Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride is a wide spectrum antibiotic that works against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria. they work by interfering with bacterial protein synthesis and thus might be your first line of defence to any severe bacterial infections (unless if the bacteria is resistant, then you might be in trouble). 

Terramycin works well when mixed with food or used as a bath treatment, however, due to their tendency to bind with calcium and magnesium inside the water, such treatment is unsuitable for treating fish on hard water or saltwater.

now we go to the useful parts

How do we use it for treatments?

the common dosage for Terramycin uses in freshwater is 50g for every 1000L. this treatment works well with salt treatment using 3kg of NaCl salt for every 1000L.

ok, so here we go.

Day 1 (preparation and treatment).

  1. Change 50% of the affected water, and vacuum the bottom of the pond
  2. Take our Activated carbon from your filtration media (if you have one)
  3. Turn off your UVC (if you have one )
  4. Wash your filtration media (make sure its clean)
  5. calculate your pond volume ( (Length (m) x Width (m) x Water Height (m) ) x 1000)


  1. Add 3 Kg of NaCl/ Fish Salt & 50g of Terramycin for every 1000L of your pond water.

Day 5

  1. Check your fish, any better or no
  2. Still sick, go to day 6a
  3. all good and healthy, go to day 6b

Day 6a

  1. replace the water by50% and add 1.5kg of NaCl Salt for every 1000L

Day 6b

  1. change 75% of your water
  2. Add activated carbon to remove the remaining meds, and turn on your UVC back.
  3. you're done!

if you're looking for the medicine, we have it in stock!
hopeully this article is usefull for anyone that is struggling

check our website below

Written by 

Yoshua Sinugroho